Greenbushes Capacity Expansion

Talison continues to play an important role in achieving net zero emissions globally, supplying 20% of the world’s lithium, which is fundamental for manufacturing electric vehicles and power storage batteries. To continue to play this critical role and meet global lithium demand, Talison’s Greenbushes operation needs to grow. As we do this, there will be benefits in terms of increased employment opportunities, community investment and support of local businesses however, the same growth will also mean we need more space to store waste rock and, with less rainfall due to climate change, we also require greater water storage capacity. 

So, we are proposing to expand the mine to the east and south of the current Greenbushes site to deliver:

  • an additional waste rock landform and expansion of the existing Floyds waste rock landform

  • expanded storage capacity at the Saltwater Gully Dam.

  • a highway crossing (overpass or underpass) to allow haul truck access to the new waste rock landform, without disrupting traffic on South Western Highway.

  • supporting infrastructure such as internal roads and powerlines, and water management to protect the surrounding catchment.

As the project progresses, our neighbours living near the mine may see changes in the amount of light, noise and dust. We understand this may create a negative impact to some people, and we will work extremely hard to minimise these impacts whether it is on our neighbours, our environment or anyone living in, or visiting, the South West.

Latest update – February 2025

Talison is required to refer the proposal to State and Federal Environmental Agencies for assessment and approval, initially under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Both are public processes with opportunities for comment throughout 2025 and 2026.

Over the coming months, as part of the environmental approvals process, Talison will be progressing the detailed design of the proposal and the associated impact assessment. We will engage closely with our local community – providing regular updates and seeking feedback. We are committed to sharing information as early as we can, even when we don’t have all the answers.  

More Information

Environmental referral documents

We will also publish links to the environmental referral documents, which include technical studies, on our website – once these have been made available by the relevant state and federal environmental agencies.

Project Map

Greenbushes Lithium Operation Map

Project Timeline


  • A waste rock landform is an area used for storing the waste rock that is removed from the open pit during mining operations. It is an engineered structure, designed to reduce environmental impacts such as erosion, drainage, and contamination. Waste rock landforms are rehabilitated progressively to blend with the surrounding landscape and land uses.

  • Greenbushes is expanding to meet the growing global demand for lithium and, as the pit expands, there is an increasing need to store waste rock and rehabilitation materials, manage water supply and develop supporting infrastructure. At the same time, we’re experiencing less rainfall due to climate change, which means we require greater water storage capacity. 

    Talison’s existing Floyds waste rock landform is expected to reach capacity soon so, we’ve explored several options to ensure the additional waste rock produced over the next decade could be stored in areas with the lowest possible environmental, social and community impact.  

  • We are proposing to expand the mine to the east and south to deliver:

    • an additional waste rock landform and expansion of the existing Floyds waste rock landform.

    • expanded water storage capacity at the Saltwater Gully Dam.

    • a highway crossing to allow haul truck access to the new waste rock landform, without disrupting traffic on South Western Highway. Whether the crossing is over or under the highway will be determined during the detailed design process in 2025, in consultation with Main Roads WA and other stakeholders.

    • supporting infrastructure such as stockpiles of rehabilitation materials, internal roads and powerlines, and water management to protect the surrounding environment.

  • As the waste rock from the mine is moved from the pit to create new and expanded landforms, the growing extent of operations at Greenbushes will become more noticeable.

    Those living near the mine will see changes in the amount of light, noise and dust generated. We will work extremely hard to minimise these impacts on the environment, our neighbours and anyone living in, or visiting, the South West.

  • We are proposing to combine the five existing Salt Water Gully dams into one larger catchment dam with increased capacity.

    The location, in Salt Water Gully on the Lyons River, has been chosen to minimise impacts on other landholders and downstream water users. The expansion area for the dam is predominantly on cleared land owned by Talison.

    As the project progresses to the design phase, we are actively seeking input and feedback from stakeholders to minimise environmental and community impacts.

  • The existing Floyds waste rock landform (WRL) will reach capacity soon, so we are proposing to extend it further south, progressively building the extension up to the height of the current landform to preserve visual amenity.

    Supporting infrastructure will also be required including access roads, stockpiles of rehabilitation materials, and runoff and seepage collection drains.

    The planned extension is within the current mine development area and involves clearing native vegetation within the state forest boundary. As such it will require additional environmental approvals, comprehensive rehabilitation plans and acquisition of new environmental offset areas, outside the mine site. These offset areas will be carefully selected to ensure habitat protection for threatened species and will be much larger than the area cleared.

  • The proposed new waste rock landform will be located adjacent to the current Greenbushes mine, immediately east of South Western Highway, north of the Hester Cascades Road.

    It will be progressively built to the height of the current Floyds Waste Rock Landform to preserve visual amenity and remain consistent with local topography.

    A highway crossing is proposed to enable haul truck access to the waste rock landform without affecting traffic on the South Western Highway. Consultation with Main Roads WA and local stakeholders will inform the design and location of the highway crossing, which could be an underpass or overpass.

  • We have carefully selected these locations to avoid sensitive environmental areas and minimise clearing of vegetation and disruption to the community.

    As part of the environmental assessment process, we will work with our stakeholders to consider the best options for mitigating operational impacts, using our existing environmental management measures (such as noise, dust and water quality management technologies) as well as applying fit-for-purpose mitigation and management techniques, in consultation with our stakeholders.

    Please contact us if you have any suggestions or would like to discuss this with a member of our team. Email or call 1300 904 650

  • The proposal will require the approval of state and federal environmental agencies, initially under the Environment Protection Act 1986 and Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Both are public processes which we expect will occur throughout 2025 and 2026, with several opportunities for public comment, which will be advertised widely. We will share more information about this as it becomes available.

  • Early February 2025 – State and Federal environmental approval processes commence.

    February 2025 onwards - We will be providing information and updates in a number of ways, including via this project website.

    March 2025 – the first round of community information sessions will be held.

    Throughout 2025 and 2026 – there will be several formal public consultation opportunities.

    A project timeline is available on this page.

  • Read through the information on this website, review the environmental referral documents which include technical studies and see the ‘Get in touch’ section below to register for updates, contact us or to book to attend a community information session.

    We will also publish links to the environmental referral documents, which include technical studies, on our website – once these have been made available by the relevant state and federal environmental agencies.


We genuinely value the input we receive from members of our local community and we look forward to discussing our plans with you and hearing your thoughts.

  • Register here to receive project updates by email.

  • Book to attend a community information session (coming soon)

  • Email us at

  • Call us on 1300 904 650

  • Submit thoughts or request more information through our community contact form.